Our Story

Girl wearing traditional dress

We are a social enterprise committed to designing and leading world travelers through unique custom journeys in Bhutan.

At Bridge To Bhutan (B II B), sustainability means everything. While we embrace the inevitable elements of “globalization,” we attempt to strike a balance by helping preserve and promote all that is inherently Bhutanese.

B II B is different in that it allows discerning travelers visiting Bhutan to foster real and meaningful connections with Bhutan. It is our honest intention to continually strive to innovate and serve in the best interest of travelers like you, as well as our own people, culture, and the environment. Our B II B Cares initiative is a start.

The Inception

Bridge To Bhutan is a brainchild of two brothers from Bhutan who, after being reunited in the United States after five long years, discovered that they shared a common passion: sustainable change in Bhutan. Bridge To Bhutan embodies this passion.

The challenges that the Bhutanese face today are none too unique. In recent years, increased rural-urban migration, like in any other developing country, has led to a slew of unintended consequences: the rising rate of youth unemployment; the imminent threat of cultural erosion; the shrinking of our national heritage, our villages, to insignificance; the increasing number of automobiles; and the pollution of our once pristine rivers and streams, to mention a few. These changes constantly undermine Bhutan's capacity to remain as a self-sustaining nation.

Away from home, it wasn't unusual for the two brothers to engage in impassioned discussions on sustainability issues, particularly in the context of changing Bhutan. But it wasn't everyday that they pondered over tourism either. Interestingly, the brothers relied on their experiences as part-time travel guides to piece the two together.

Change must come, but must be necessarily sustainable.

The Realization

As much as we applaud our government's ingenious effort to ensure a sustainable Bhutan, we understand that the tourism industry cannot solely rely on the government's "high value, low volume" tourism policy. As it is, with sharp increase in the number of tourist arrivals, the policy is already becoming inadequate. We must play our part. As concerned citizens of Bhutan, we take the obligation to preserve our culture and the environment very seriously.

The founders recognized the enormous potential of Bhutan’s fast growing tourism industry to either make or break the nation that we are. With their diverse backgrounds in tourism (ten years), sustainable development (seven years), and the environment (three years), the brothers are determined to be part of the solution.

The travelers have the desire not only to travel, but also to give back and immerse in a culture that is foreign to them; similarly, the Bhutanese hosts, have the desire to connect with these travelers in their own capacities. Our idea is to bridge these two desires together while delivering an experience that is only unique to Bridge To Bhutan.

The very assets that make Bhutan unique must be available for our children to enjoy in times to come.

The Commitment

Bridge To Bhutan was founded with a notion to uniquely connect people, nature, and spirit while helping promote and preserve Bhutan's precious cultural and environmental assets and empowering the locals. Our mission is one that is holistic in nature. We understand that it is in the interest of everybody, including the traveler, the villager, and Bridge To Bhutan, to appreciate and preserve Bhutan for what it is. The over-arching goal of Bridge To Bhutan, therefore, is to foster "win-win” partnerships by fulfilling these objectives:

1) Planning and delegating the best services to our discerning travelers
2) Providing travelers with an opportunity to establish a lifetime personal connection with Bhutan
3) Engaging communities and villagers through employment and profit sharing
4) Preserving cultural heritage, namely architecture
5) Becoming environmentally adept

And that’s Bridge To Bhutan’s commitment. Join us on our journey towards sustainable Bhutan!

Characterized by a “feel good experience,” Bridge To Bhutan journeys offer best value for your money and time.

The Founders

Fin Norbu
Lotay Rinchen

connecting people,
and spirit

Contact Us

P.O.Box: 245
Changangkha, Thimphu


Cell: 646.875.7772 (US), +975 7720 7220 (Bhutan)

WhatsApp: +975-77290123

We are open for booking.
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