Fears for Bhutan national animal, Takin

Source-BBC: The mountain kingdom of Bhutan is trying to protect its national animal, the Takin, from extinction.

Legend has it that the creature was created from the bones of a goat and a cow [by the Divine Madman] but there are thought to be fewer than 1,000 left in the country.

Charles Haviland visited the national Takin reserve to discover more about the unusual animal.Check out the short 3 minute video.

Weblink: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7813805.stm

Sacred dances digitally documented

Gerard Houghton compiles chham database for posterity

29 December, 2008 – Thirteen centuries after it started, Bhutan’s history of sacred mask dances has now been documented and digitally recorded. The document on Buddhist ritual dances (chhams) of Bhutan was presented to the home and culture affairs ministry (MoHCA) by the technology director of Core of Culture, Gerard Houghton, on December 25 at the national library, Thimphu.

Gerard Houghton said, “It’s perhaps the most expensive documentation and digital recording of the world on dance.” He said about one million dollars was spent in the making and that it took about five years.”

“It was very difficult to capture the video because, for a few of the dances, we had to stand almost 6-7 hours,” he said. Houghton said the dances of Bhutan are unique and do not exist anywhere in the world and the document database will keep these dances alive.

The documentation was done as a part of The Dragon’s Gift exhibition project between the Bhutan government and the Honolulu Academy of Arts.

The 300 hours of digital recording contains dance clips from 20 different tsechus across the country, some of which are almost endangered today. Continue reading Sacred dances digitally documented

Bhutanese take divorce in their stride


Thimphu market scene

Bhutan is urbanising less quickly than its neighbours


By Charles Haviland 
BBC News, Thimphu

“The divorce case is very, very common. If you go to the court, you will see most of the cases are all on divorce.”

It may sound like a comment from Scandinavia – but this is Bhutan and the speaker is a young artist, Barun Gurung. His own parents divorced 10 years ago, when he was 13 and his brother a little older.

“I think during their marriage they used to have small fights which, you know, used to have bad impact on us,” he told the BBC.

“They used to fight and you know my father used to put hands on my mother. So it was quite bad to see that.”

We meet in the studio where Barun works – a collective of artists in the Bhutanese capital, Thimphu, its walls plastered with brightly coloured pictures.

At least one of his colleagues joins in the conversation saying he, too, comes from a family affected by divorce. Marriage break-ups are common in this tiny kingdom. So, too, are love marriages, not arranged by one’s family. Continue reading Bhutanese take divorce in their stride

Six honoured for service to the Nation

Druk Thuksey medal

20 December, 2008 – “As King it is my duty to recognise people, who have served their fellow countrymen and nation in an exceptional way. It does not matter who you are, whether you are from rural or urban Bhutan or from the private sector or government. In the end all that matters is your love and service for our people and country. It is my hope that, henceforth, every one of you will strive to merit these awards.”

For six Bhutanese citizens, December 17, 2008 turned out to be an unforgettable day. In a surprise announcement, during the royal National Day address, His Majesty the King awarded the Druk Wangyal medal to the prime minister, Lyonchhoen Jigmi Y. Thinley, and the chief justice, Lyonpo Sonam Tobgye.

“Jigmi Thinley and Sonam Tobgye, throughout their careers, have been motivated by service to the nation, regardless of what responsibilities they held,” His Majesty said. “They have excelled in carrying out their duties in each position and their devotion to the country is exemplary. Even today, under a new democratic system, they continue to serve the nation in important positions, that they have earned through their own merit.” Continue reading Six honoured for service to the Nation

Bhutan celebrates the National Day:The road ahead

His Majesty addresses the Nation at Changlimethang

20 December, 2008 – Future generations of Bhutanese people will live longer. They will be better educated. They will have better communications and will travel further. They will be more prosperous. Their lives will be more comfortable.

It was with this knowledge that the Bhutanese people around the country gathered to celebrate National Day on December 17 – to reflect on a past that made such a future possible.

“We have all come together, as one small family, celebrated 100 years of Monarchy, the start of democracy and my own Coronation,” His Majesty the King said in the royal National Day address, which was broadcast and telecast live to the entire country. “The success of these celebrations and in fact the success of our nation over the last 100 years owes so much to the prayers and hard work of our people. I offer my gratitude to our people of the 20 dzongkhags for the kindness and love you have shown me during my Coronation.”

Literally stepping into a new era, many people were reflecting on their aspirations. They saw challenges ahead but were optimistic about the future.

According to a former gup of Punakha, the past 100 years had not been smooth sailing. “But our forefathers ensured that we had a stable and a strong country,” he said. “Ask any of the elderly people and they will give examples of how our great Kings achieved this.” Continue reading Bhutan celebrates the National Day:The road ahead

Bridge To Bhutan

Lotay Rinchen obtained MA Degree in Sustainable International Development from Brandeis University. Previously, he worked as a budget officer in the ministry of Finance for the Royal Government of Bhutan. His strong personal passion and professional background in sustainable tourism, community development and youth empowerment have led him to team up with his brother and launch a sustainable travel venture: Bridge To Bhutan (B | | B).

Bridge To Bhutan is a responsive tourism company that focuses on connecting global travelers with the spirituality and vitality of touring the Land of the Thunder Dragon. For more information you can also visit the (B | | B) Blog. Elevate Destinations has partnered with Bridge To Bhutan to offer two spectacular adventure itineraries (Trail Itinerary and Journey Itinerary) in this responsive travel realm. Continue reading Bridge To Bhutan

The U.S. congressional visit

What should Bhutan not learn from the United States?

Lyonchhen Jigmi Y Thinley with Senator McCain at a banquet on Wednesday

6 December, 2008 – Three U.S. senators, including the Republican presidential candidate, Senator John McCain, were all praise for Bhutan and the Bhutanese leadership but cautioned against environmental degradation, political promises, and rapid commercialism.

“We didn’t look after our environment as well as we should have and now suffer problems like the polluted Colorado river,” said Senator McCain of Arizona, pointing out that the Thimphu river looked pure in comparison. Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut added that the melting of glaciers in Bhutan could have severe consequences.

Senator Graham of South Carolina pointed out that, in a democracy, politicians make promises that they can’t afford. “Back in the United States and other democracies, there have been a lot of programmes created that future generations have to pay for it,” he said. “So I would caution the people of Bhutan to make sure that you understand that you have a responsibility to make that your government doesn’t go beyond their means and make your children pay for it. That’s something we’re learning in America.” Continue reading The U.S. congressional visit

US learns from youngest democracy

US learns from youngest democracy

5 December 2008, Thimphu, Bhutan: His Majesty the King granted an audience yesterday to the 15-member US Congressional delegation lead by Senator John McCain. The delegation included Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

During their stay here the senators also met His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, the Prime Minister, the Opposition leader and the Chief Justice. At a press conference with Bhutanese journalists yesterday, the three senators spoke of the “extraordinary quality of leadership” in Bhutan, who were united in their “devotion to national interests” and what was best for the people. Continue reading US learns from youngest democracy

Gross National Happiness (GNH):Heavier than a mountain

COMMENTARY:29thNov.,2008- GNH is the expression of a system of values that defined the Bhutanese system over :enturies. Today, Bhutan articulates the need to preserve such traditions and values on the premise that what we have is good and should be preserved through change.

Having opened up to so-called planned development, Bhutan is aware that rapid change will threaten all this, so it is seeking the clarity and credibility of a GNH society and a GNH economy by trying to give the concept intellectual depth and academic construction.

To say that GNH is doing fine in Bhutan would be wrong. The truth is that Bhutan is changing rapidly and society is not responding fast enough.

Even many decision makers today believe that GNH is just a phrase to attract wealthy foreign tourists. The skepticism is obvious from the fact that very few decision makers took interest in the fourth international GNH conference in Thimphu this week.

The young professionals, who did attend the conference, need to begin a new wave of discourse to intellectualise GNH. Decision makers must be forced to confront GNH so that it becomes a basis for policy decisions. Continue reading Gross National Happiness (GNH):Heavier than a mountain

4th International Conference on Gross National Happiness (GNH) begins!

November 25: The 4th International Conference on Gross National Happiness began in the capital yesterday. More than 90 participants from 25 countries are participating in the three day conference. The Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley graced the opening of the conference.

Addressing the participants at the opening, the Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley said the conference is taking place at a time when Bhutan is celebrating three significant events; the centenary celebration of the monarchy, the coronation of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and the successful institution of parliamentary democracy in the country. Continue reading 4th International Conference on Gross National Happiness (GNH) begins!